
Whether you have a home or business, letting professionals install solar panels on your property can be a worthwhile investment. These components can generate a renewable energy source, helping you minimise your monthly energy bills and carbon footprints.

However, they can also have issues, especially with constant exposure to the elements. This article will enumerate some common problems your solar panel can face and how to address them.

1. Birds

Birds can cause solar panel issues by building nests beneath them, leading to scratching or bad wiring.

2. Dirt and Grime

Dirt, dust, grime, bird droppings, leaves, and ash from nearby fires can accumulate on solar panels and reduce efficiency. It usually occurs more on flat roof-mounted panels.

3. Micro-Cracks

Almost-invisible cracks on traditional solar panels occur due to production, shipping, installation, or weather conditions, which can disrupt energy flow and reduce energy output over time.

4. Snail Trails

Snail trail contamination is a common issue with solar panels, causing brown lines on the surface. Faulty silver paste or microscopic cracks in the photovoltaic system can cause it, reducing its performance and causing premature failure.

5. Potential Induced Degradation

The Potential Induced Degradation (PID) effect is a voltage difference between solar panels and earthing that causes a drop in electricity production and can harm the panels’ long-term effectiveness.

6. Issues with Your Inverter

Solar inverters convert direct (DC) energy from solar panels to alternating (AC) energy for homes. They are a crucial component that typically lasts for around 15 years and can affect panel productivity if you don’t replace them within 25 years.

7. No Hot Water

No hot water can be frustrating, especially on chilly mornings. You can address this issue by letting reputable solar panel installation contractors inspect and fix the source of the problem.

8. Leaking Hot Water System

Even if you have a renewable energy source, a leaking hot water system can be hazardous, as it can cause water damage and lead to electrical issues. If you suspect a leak, contact a solar panel installation company immediately. These professionals can diagnose the problem and repair or replace the system to ensure safety.

9. Power Bills Are Too High

Your renewable power system could have an issue if you still suffer from high energy bills despite installing solar panels on your property. You can save money and ensure your system works efficiently by letting a professional contractor diagnose the problem.

10. Zero Solar Gain

Zero solar gain can be frustrating for solar panel owners, as it means their panels aren’t generating any energy. A professional contractor can provide solutions to improve solar gain and energy production, whether due to shading or a malfunctioning system.

11. Malfunctioning Inverter

A malfunctioning inverter can be bad news for your solar panels, as it converts the generated energy into usable electricity. If you suspect an issue with your inverter, you must contact a professional solar panel contractor to diagnose and resolve the issue. They also ensure proper installation and functioning so your energy source can continue to generate energy efficiently.

What Are Some Common Electrical Wiring Problems with Your Solar Panel?

Faulty electrical wiring can interfere with the efficiency of solar panels. Due to age, loose connections, corrosion, and rats, deterioration can cause damage and potential fire hazards. Likewise, rusting and hot spots can also affect your panels’ performance.

How to Determine If Your Solar Panels Are Malfunctioning

You can determine your solar panels’ performance by looking for higher-than-usual electric bills, dirty or shaded components, error codes on your inverter, unusual data in your system’s analytical tools, and a decline in your average daily kilowatt-hours metric.


No home or business deserves to have malfunctioning or poorly-installed solar panels, as it can defeat the purpose of striving for energy efficiency. You can power a more sustainable property by educating yourself about the typical issues, observing the warning signs, and working with professional contractors.

If your home or business needs professional solar panel installation in Perth, WA, contact Renew Energy! We’ve been operating for over 20 years, best known for our competitive pricing, quality work, and experienced staff. Enquire now!

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